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To move
click anywhere on the ground
inside the line.
Thats it,
come on in!
Narcissus was only interested in his own beauty.
Having rejected all other facets of life,
he enraged the goddess Artemis,
who cursed him with suffering from unfulfilled love...
... one day in the forest, while drinking water from a pond,
he was fascinated by his own reflection.
He immersed into his own image,
forgetting everything else, a devastating dive into contemplation...
... When he realized that his love would find
no response from the depths of his own self,
he pushed his dagger into his heart.
... in a far away cave, the ones who sought her ...
froze into stone the moment they laid eyes on her,
eternally immersed in a motionless, speechless awe...
... when the hero Perseus finally managed to decapitate her,
Her offspring Pegasus, a horse with wings,
sprang out of her body.
... the only mortal of the three Gorgons,
was punished by the goddess Athena for sleeping with Poseidon in Athena's temple.
Thus, she had a terrifying appearance, with snakes as hair and huge teeth ...
Immanuel Kant, the thinker of the Enlightenment era, said,
that while contemplating on magnificent nature scenes, for instance, a sea in the storm,
one acknowledges the existence of a powerful reality called sublime.
The sublime can manifest itself in nature
but is spiritual in essence.
sub_clo_the Explore the exhibition and collect the items!
The items can be used in the studio which is in the next room.
Paula Ostupe-Dejus. Imagination The artwork contains over 300 unique illustrations of nature and
imagination created by the artist: aliens, plants, animals, characters, and mushrooms. She uses a method
of cascades of images, thus creating depth in the 3D space and achieving the feeling of revealing the
scene while exploring.
exh_PDejusThomas Vallianatos "Athens the present that did not exist" the artist reinvents the city of Athens by
means of AI, delivering photorealistic sci fi landscapes. Sarcastic and dystopian hints result from the
ecological relationships of the involved agents.
exh_tvallianatosKristóf Szabó. Wrong Data Landscape Vienna. The work focuses on the relationship between nature and
the built environment. It juxtaposes the static nature of the environment inhabited by humans with the
organic appearance of nature. The slow undulating movement of the grain earth is organically juxtaposed
with the frozen image of the buildings. The error of the image is a reference to the human presence.
exh_kszaboShortEva Papamargariti "Uh everything looks so fresh – Oh everything is so rotten" the artist relies on
bright colours to contaminate natural structures and illuminate different perspectives and perceptions
of reality. Like applying different lenses, different ecological pathways in the crossroads between the
digital and real are activated.
exh_epapamargaritiJudit Navratil ‘Szívküldi Lakótelep’ includes the seeds of the artist's temporary move to a small
Canadian island where she stayed in the friend’s magic boathouse. Immersed in the silence and peace of
Salt Spring Island , she has decided to map out the different parts of theneighborhood and create
interconnected virtual realms for social interactions. Theartist suggests consciousness-shaping VR
gatherings in which we can face our anxieties as well as re-think our physical and psychological
exh_navratilJurģis Peters. Images of Divine, An ongoing project where various machine learning algorithms are used
to generate divine imagery. The existing images that depict various religious and sacred entities are
used as a dataset for AI to create new gods and goddesses.
exh_JPetersKati Katona Submerge interactive video installation 2022 The work offers a re-interpretation of the
rule-based system that nature is characterized by - and that makes the viewer reflect on the question of
predestination. The artist uses motiongraphics in order to immerse the user in a sense of fusion with
the environment.exh_kkatonaSouzana Romanidou "Where Do I Exist" The artist blends virtual with physical space and invites users
to input data in real-time that shape this contextual in-between. This work belongs to the Meditation
category, because it relies on viewer's personal navigation through and reflection upon the notions of
virtuality and tangibility.
exh_sromanidouKyriaki Goni "Not Allowed for Algorithmic Audiences" Personal, intimate data train virtual agents, who
in turn exhibit odd behaviour, thus questioning cognitive and social processes. Human-computer
interaction becomes the dialectic mirroring, becomes itself the narrative, upon which viewers
exh_kgoniPandelis Diamantides "Pulse" "contextualises the heart as a metaphor for emotion, and the notion of
vibration as a connecting element between physical, biological, and social activity." The work falls
under the Meditation category in that it invites viewers to focus on the innerness of cardiac activity
as the "universal experience of thought, emotion, and movement."
exh_pdiamantidesAlvis Misjuns. Peace on Web offers a virtual place for the user wishing to be alone and skip
influencers, ads, spending and competition activities characteristic to the modern web. The environment
is created as a sandy terrain landscape with a calm sun, distant water and meditative sound. “Peace on
Web” invites the user to slow down, evaluate what is most important and enjoy the serene passing of time
in a meditative mood. Each user is provided with an avatar that harmoniously fits into the environment,
for example, a branch or a rock. exh_amisjunsZane Zelmene. A Guide to Invisible Landscapes. Using the HM headset, one walks in a space of magic
orbs and enters the different worlds of dreams (they are made on the basis of the artist’s own lucid
dreams). The orbs are parallel realities, each with its own, calm character. The artist invites the user
to dive into meditative spaces and explore the sophisticated visions of these virtual areas.
exh_zzelmeneElőd Jánky “The Dream of Love” (2020)
The Dream of Love (2020) represents a meditative, even self-destructive message and offers
a moment of self-reflection about how the constant online aesthetics mediate our sense of reality.
exh_ejankyAnestis Anestis "Love Distortion Field".
The artist explores the notions of cohesion, plausibility, and consequentiality by fitting conceptually
distant objects into photorealistic spaces, aiming to evoke irony, and demystify surrealism. Its work
relies on the connotations established between the different agents of an environment.
exh_aanestisYiannis Kranidiotis "Ichographs" decomposes the organic inter-referentiality of emblematic, realistic
depictions into atmospheric, granular landscapes. Tradition is challenged by the new age of pixel
creation, the traditional ecosystem of icons is disassembled and reinterpreted.
You have a set of 3 items: geometry, materials and animations.
Cycle through your items by pressing on them.
Press the green button to combine the selected items into a sculpture.
When the first sculpture is created, press on it to choose where to attach the next sculpture.
The object is based on the the geometries collected.
If there are no geometries left, a red sphere will appear.
Press the red button, to reset the sets.